Stronger communities start with a single conversation
Kia mau mahara ki tōu mana āhua ake
Cherish your absolute uniqueness.
Specialists in
Māori engagement
Tāke Tuia is a Maori cultural consultancy specialising in cultural narratives and capability within public and private organisations.
Storytellers and connectors
We exist to help build stronger communities through awareness, understanding
and the sharing of stories of Te Ao Māori.
Engaging with
takata whenua
We provide safe and
supportive ways to engage
with and work alongside
takata whenua.
A Māori perspective for organisations
in the Southern Lakes
In Te Ao Māori (the Māori world view), there is interconnectedness and interrelationship between all things. Tāke Tuia is your connection to Te Ao Māori and the wisdom of manaaki and cooperation.
Whether sitting alongside the youngest of learners or standing in front of the largest of corporations, we seek the benefits that a willingness to engage, learn and work alongside can bring. It is one thing to know pūrākau (Māori myths), stories and tikanga (values), but it is something else when they are honoured and integrated alongside takata whenua in an authentic and open way.
Our Mahi – Our Work
Tāke Tuia supports businesses, educators and local organisations looking to connect and engage with takata whenua and mana whenua and strengthen cultural competency.

Training, upskilling and awareness of Tikanga Māori (cultural practices) and Treaty of Waitangi requirements. Tāke Tuia is a specialist cultural consultancy working with public and private organisations.
Advice, training and support to engage with and work alongside Māori in an authentic and open manner. Cultural guidance, connection with Māori and leadership or governance support.
Māori stories and legends (pūrākau) or Kai Tahu, Whakatipu and Wānaka told by a storyteller whose ancestors once walked these hills. Stories of resilience and innovation for conferences, groups and leadership events.
Cultural mihi and karakia (Māori blessings) to visitors, places, buildings and events. Mihi whakatau for conference events or small group blessings to create a connection to whenua and atua.
Nāku te rourou nāu te rourou ka ora ai te iwi
With your basket and my basket the people will live.
What our clients have to say
His knowledge of local history, cultural narrative and his art in sharing this with others will be an invaluable asset for the prospective work he will be engaging in with the Leadership Lab.
Who we've worked with
Darren Rewi, Kai Tahu
Kaumātua Darren Rewi has been sharing stories, wisdom and ideas for many decades. Through Tāke Tuia, he brings this lifetime of experience to a range of consultancy and training services designed to benefit all.
Latest Tāke Tuia news
Meaning and narrative: A deeper understanding of te reo Māori
Uncovering the deeper meaning of te reo reveals the richness of Māori narratives With a passion for te reo and etymology, my Māori language journey
Queenstown’s best-known Māori story: Pūrūkau or fairy tale?
The importance of cultural capability and getting the story straight. Wanting to connect with your customers through Māori stories or Māori history? It pays to
A better way of moving forward
Discover how engagement can strengthen communities and the organisations within them.